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Writer's pictureAna

New Year, New Name, New Beginnings

So here we are, January is over, February is here and hopefully, spring isn't too far away; although it's spring already here in Murcia Province; the almond trees are coming into blossom and the fields are filling with wild flowers; even the hoopoes are starting their mating calls. It's the prettiest time of year here and it's hard to believe it's officially still winter.

But January – yes, January with its winter blues and forgotten resolutions – that's what I am blogging about today.

First things first though – yes, the website has a new name.

This doesn't mean that I am rejecting the Primal way of life – on the contrary, I still think the blueprint laws are some of the best ways to live for health and vitality – but now I think I want to focus more on life itself rather than just lifestyle changes: living, travelling, having experiences, cooking, eating, growing vegetables, living sustainably … none of which is excluded from living Primally; I just want to change the emphasis a little.

So, those New Year's Resolutions (?)

I'm not sure new year resolutions are particularly helpful in themselves. Often coming on top of a Christmas of over-spending, over-eating and over-stressing, they seem to be a reaction – 'I must get rid of this extra weight', 'I must try to get on top of my finances', 'I must relax more – I know, I'll do yoga every morning, take up running in the evenings and meditate 30 minutes every day' , that sort of thing; then January is gone and the weight is still there, the bills are still coming in and the idea of trying to fit in yoga, running and meditation is just adding to the stress.

But resolutions as a means of assessing and reflecting on how we actually want to live is another thing entirely. Maybe we do want to try to be more healthy – and living Primally can certainly help there; maybe we do want to try to live more sustainably and save money in the process, and maybe we do see the need to do more of the things we like to do and try to enjoy each day more. But these things won't happen with midnight regrets on December 31st and guilt-ridden resolutions; it takes time and reflection and it may be weeks or even months before we find the path we really want to take.

Goodbye Meat

One thing I am doing this year is going back to vegetarianism. I was vegetarian for a long time then things changed and I started eating white meat and fish (I've never really liked red meat anyway). It's not some great revelation or a 'Save the Planet' decision, I just think I feel better in myself when I don't eat meat. I still eat dairy and eggs but many of my meals now are based around vegetables and pulses and as I love cooking, it gives me plenty of scope to try new recipes and combinations.

Interestingly, the Primal community has moved somewhat on pulses. When I first discovered Primal over 10 years ago, legumes and pulses were considered as bad as wheat and grains and very much discouraged but now there seems to have been a shift and although not positively encouraged, there is a recognition that pulses have a role to play and that the resistant starches can contribute to a healthy gut biome. The main proviso being that you can eat them without ill-effects (kite anyone?) So the recipes I am trying and will be sharing with you will be vegetarian this year.

Clear out the Old

I'm completely obsessed with decluttering!

It started out by necessity as I hope to move home this year and there's no way I can move all the stuff that's in this house. But now, I just love it! I discovered Marie Kondo last year and now I am working my way through all my 'stuff' and getting rid of it. Thankfully the local animal charity is more than happy to take my offloaded stuff so it's win-win for everyone. So much of this year will be taken up with decluttering and minimising my stuff so I can move more easily when I need to and then continue to live a life with less – less stuff, less waste and hopefully a more sustainable way to liv

Sustainable Living

Closely linked to decluttering is this desire to live more sustainably and simply. Decluttering has an interesting effect – I realise just how much 'stuff' I have accumulated and how much of it is completely useless, pointless, expensive and harmful to the planet: clothes I have bought and never worn (some items still had labels in them); multiples of things – especially kitchen utensils; one-use gadgets that once I thought I couldn't live without now gathering dust in cupboards; 'just-in-case' items that just take up space waiting to be used but never are – you get my point.

But what happens when you get rid of this stuff? I'll tell you – you realise firstly how much we accumulate almost without realising, but also how you really don't want to keep getting new stuff. It has completely changed how I shop – I only buy things that I really need because I don't want all that clutter back in my house and I don't want to see that amount of waste.

I'll be doing a whole blog on decluttering and sustainability in the near future because it really is life-changing.

Finding my Inner Artist

In our days of busyness and constant entertainment, I think many of us have lost our creativity*. Maybe we think that there are more important things to do, or that we'll be creative if we ever have time, but I believe that creativity is an essential part of being human. I'm not talking about becoming a world-famous painter or musician, or even taking a class in pottery or watercolours (although if that's what inspires you, why not?); we have the capacity to be creative in lots of ways – I love cooking and baking, you might enjoy gardening or creating beautiful spaces in your home, or keeping a diary or upcycling things you've found or strumming a guitar – it can be anything that allows your imagination and sense of creation come out for an airing. Being creative can help reduce stress and take our minds away from everyday worries, allowing us to come back refreshed and relaxed.

I'm planning to write a book of recipes, poems, short stories and maybe photos – things that have inspired me over the years. I'm not thinking of publishing it - I just want to create something putting together lots of the things that I love.

So these are my 'resolutions' for 2023. Finding ways to make my life more relaxed, sustainable and creative.

What are you going to do to find your path?

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