Although it's probably true that our hunter-gatherer ancestors didn't actually snack very much, sometimes we just need that bit of something to get us to the next meal, or possibly as part of a social event. This can be a real problem when you're trying to eat Primally because so many snack items are loaded with sugar, refined carbs and offensive oils. In fact it's fair to say that avoiding the snack section in the supermarket altogether is probably the best bet. But where does that leave you when you really want a quick fix? Here are a few ideas for when the snack urge is strong, or to help you make Primal choices when you're socialising; some are very simple and quick (essential when you really, really want a snack – Now!); others take a bit more preparation but can be made in advance so you can have nice, tasty things ready to eat when the need strikes.
Olives and cheese

So, so simple and utterly delicious – you can use any olives and any cheese to make this quick and easy snack. I think my absolute favourite combo is cubes of good creamy cheese with anchovy-stuffed green olives – all the requisite saltiness of a snack but with some great nutrition as well, especially if you can get raw, unpasteurised cheese; sadly, I can´t here in southern Spain but if you can, try it – you'll never want ordinary cheese again.
Other options could be:
Black olives with feta
Mixed olives with mozzarella
Jalapeño-stuffed olives with goat's cheese
A choice of olives with a good non-dairy cheese
Halloumi with Calamata olives for a Greek holiday vibe
Fortunately, although I can't get raw cheese, the Spanish markets and supermarkets sell a wide range of beautiful olives so there's an opportunity for lots of combinations
Roasted, spiced mixed nuts

A totally tantalising snack with a fairly short preparation time, these are so more-ish you may well have to hide them - (I do, or I can eat my body-weight and daily calorie allowance in one sitting).
They're crunchy, sweet/salty, and very nutritious and healthy if you can stop yourself eating them all. (see the recipe here)
If you don't have the time or the inclination to be faffing around roasting nuts, you can just eat them raw. Macadamias are absolutely the kings of the nut world, but almonds, walnuts and Brazil nuts are all nutritious. Cashew nuts are yummy but are quite high in carbs if you're looking to keep your carb count down.

Hard-boiled eggs
Either just as they are or tossed in some olive oil and seasoning, eggs are a perfect snack. I'm very lucky to have three extremely obliging chickens – Agnes, Sybil and Gladys – who provide me with a good supply of organically raised, free-range eggs. Eggs are a great source of protein, Omega 3, selenium, zinc and vitamins D, E and K. Boil several and keep them ready, unpeeled in the fridge.
Cold, cooked meat
Next time you're cooking some meat, keep some leftovers for snacking.
Chicken drumsticks are an obvious choice – they even come with a handle – but any cold cooked meat makes a filling and nutritious snack. Use a Romaine lettuce leaf as a wrap, add some home-made mayo and off you go. Studies have shown that snacks higher in protein and fat are more filling so you eat less and are less likely to want to snack as frequently. (see here for home-made mayonnaise recipe)
Goat's cheese with beetroot
We have herds of goats go by the house most days and there's a wide range of goat's milk produce in the local shops so this is a no-brainer for me.
Goat's cheese is sometimes better for people with an intolerance for dairy so this could be a good option if that applies to you. The soft saltiness of goat's cheese coupled with the sweet earthiness of beetroot is a match made in heaven.
Tinned fish – a SMASH-ing snack

This sounds obvious but odd at the same time – why not just eat fish straight from the tin? Study after study has shown the health benefits of eating oily fish – high in Omega 3 which is in sharp contrast to most commercial snacks which are seriously high in Omega 6 (not a good thing).
The SMASH-ing Five are
Sardines, and
Oily fish (or blue fish, as they're called here in Spain) are also a rich source of vitamin D and high-quality protein. There are even studies that suggest people who regularly eat oily fish are less prone to depression due to the levels of Omega 3 fatty acids – now you can't say that about a bag of crisps!
Boquerones, also known as European anchovies, are often served as snacks in Spanish bars and can be bought in the supermarkets – they are delicious! You need to check that they're in olive oil or vinegar, rather than sunflower oil.
Make sure you buy fish canned in olive oil, brine or spring water; avoid sunflower oil or heavily processed sauces.
Berries and cream

If it's a sweet snack you're looking for (and sometimes something sweet is what's needed), berries and cream are a wonderful, guilt-free Primal alternative to pudding and ice-cream. Choose ripe, in-season berries such as strawberries, blueberries, raspberries or blackberries and serve with double cream or non-dairy cream. I buy bags of frozen mixed berries as these make a good freezer staple and are on hand. You could also blend the frozen berries with the cream to make a healthy alternative to ice-cream.
Yoghurt with honey

Another quick sweet fix for when you're in need. If you can get, or make, live yoghurt, (see recipe here) even better because you'll be feeding your gut biome as well.
I usually strain my yoghurt to make it even thicker and creamier, then add just a teaspoon of natural honey to make a luscious snack. You could use any honey, but maybe search out some lovely local produce - you might find a real gem. The yoghurt can be made with non-dairy milk if you prefer.
Dark chocolate

OK, so a bit of a disclaimer here – I'm not really a chocolate fan – I mean, it's OK but I don't crave it, but for those of you who do, here is a non-Primal Primal treat. Our ancestors wouldn't have had it but there's a surprising number of health claims made about chocolate:
It's a rich source of antioxidants
The flavanols may reduce blood pressure
Cocoa has been shown to reduce LDL (bad cholesterol) and increase HDL (the good one)
If you're a chocoholic, it might be the fix you're needing
But your standard sweet, milky chocolate bar isn't going to pass muster; to get the benefits you need to have chocolate with at least 75% cocoa content. Some people like the really bitter stuff with up to 90 or even 100% cocoa content but as long as it's 75% or above, it's good. A few squares will satisfy your craving and you can rest in the knowledge that it's doing you good at the same time. Fortunately, there's a good range of dark chocolate out there at the moment – with sea salt, almonds or orange extract etc., so take your pick and enjoy.
So next time you're craving a snack or have been asked to contribute to a social event, try some of these – they're healthy, nutritious and leave those supermarket offerings in the dust.