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Updates and Apologies

Writer's picture: AnaAna

I'm not sure if it's age, menopause or something else but I'm really not sure where time goes! It really doesn't seem 6 months since I was writing about New Year Intentions but here we are – nearly the end of July and over half the year gone. So my apologies for leaving this for so long – I'll be back regularly from now on.

I'm still here in Spain. Houses here takes quite a while to sell and I'm still waiting for a buyer to come along. That is a lesson in patience and Living in the Now for sure!

So, those New Year Intentions – where am I now? They have actually been a really eye-opening experiment with successes, failures and learning curves and I'm starting out again with a different perspective.


At the beginning of this year I had decided to go back to vegetarianism. It seemed to make sense and I do think it has a psychological effect not to eat meat. However, I have come to the conclusion that eschewing meat and fish completely doesn't actually suit me and this is for a few reasons:

  • The first rule of Primal eating is 'Eat plants and animals' and this is sound advice because humans have lived and thrived on animal products for millions of years and as omnivores our bodies do well on animal protein

  • A vegetarian diet can lead to excess carbohydrate consumption, especially if meat and fish are replaced by pulses. I found that I was eating lots of pulses (and eggs and dairy) and really they don't suit me at all

  • I have found that my body actually craves animal protein if I don't have it for a while – I don't rush out and chomp down whole sheep and I still don't eat red meat, but I find myself needing the animal protein

  • Bread is a disaster for me! This is very hard to accept because I love bread in all its forms but it clearly doesn't like me. That may be a result of getting older or maybe I have just come to realise that it isn't right for me. So goodbye toast! Boohoo!

So what do I make of all this?

Just that when we are in tune with our own bodies, we know instinctively what they need. I discovered many years ago (long before I discovered Primal) that I don't handle carbs very well; I find I get bloated, put weight on quickly and end up with real carb cravings. As soon as I drop the starchy carbs (sugar, grains, pulses etc.) my appetite balances out and my energy levels rise and this means that I need to get protein from somewhere and animal protein seems to suit me better. I guess that's why I loved Primal when I found it – it confirmed for me what I instinctively knew. So back to Primal it is.

This does not mean that I'm advocating no-one being vegetarian – we are all n=1; an experiment of one and what suits me may not suit you and vice versa. This is why it's important to experiment and listen to your own body rather than what the latest diet trend/fashion/food police are telling you.


I'm still a massive fan of decluttering. I don't like mess and clutter just makes me uncomfortable. However, another learning curve here – the first stage of decluttering was very satisfying and liberating; having cupboards and drawers that I can actually see into, things having natural homes so they get put away etc. and getting rid of 'stuff' that I'd hung onto 'just in case'. All these things were great but I sort of went a bit crazy with it – I was always looking to clear the next thing and throw stuff out; I liked the bare surfaces and empty spaces; I read books on minimalism where people can get all their possessions into a single rucksack (that was never going to happen!) but there's a risk, and it was true for me, that somewhere along the line you lose who you are. That's not to say that we should be defined by our possessions, but clearly our homes reflect ourselves up to a point and actually make us feel 'at home'.

My sister really brought it home when she came to visit – she said 'It looks like you've already moved out' and she was right.

So gradually I have added things back in – nice things that give me pleasure or add warmth and character to the house. The Danish call it hygge and while that generally brings images of cosy fires and blankets which would be a little out of place in a Spanish summer, it still means a sense of comfort and homeliness. I wouldn't go back to all the clutter I had before but finding a balance between clean and tidy and character and warmth is a lesson learned.

Sustainable Living

This has been a real challenge. I have been quite shocked at how much waste I make even when I'm trying to live more sustainably; how many 'things' I have bought because I was sure they would make my life better (spoiler alert – they didn't); how much perishable food has gone in the compost because I didn't make the 'healthy meals' I was convinced would change my health. And interestingly, as I write this, it's obvious that a lot of the things we buy are to meet some imagined or unrealistic image we have of ourselves. Of course advertisers know this only too well and most, if not all, advertising is about convincing us that a particular item will bring us satisfaction and completeness.

And if that sounds a little deep, it's because it is. I honestly believed that I wasn't fooled by advertising but there I am buying yet another handbag/pair of shoes/sundress/swimsuit not because I needed it but because somehow I thought that my life would be better – how bonkers is that?! Sometimes, when my mood is right, I can catch myself coveting some item or other and can smile at how convinced I am that it will add to my life – there's definitely a sense of satisfaction when you can snigger at advertisers' ploys and walk away.

I'm OK with recycling but the maxim Reduce, Reuse, Recycle really requires them in that order so reducing my waste is key rather than making lots of waste for recycling. So sustainable living is a work in progress – I clearly have a lot to learn and practise on that one.


This is one that has definitely stalled. I'm no closer to writing my book than I was in January – life seems to have taken over and when that happens creative activities seem to be the first to go which is a pity because it's the creative pursuits that keep us out of our heads and more in touch with ourselves.

I think the blog is a creative activity but as you know, even that has been sadly neglected – BUT – I'm Back!!!

So can we have mid-year resolutions? I don't see why not; after all, we can always chose to re-evaluate our lives and make adjustments without waiting for January.

My intentions for the rest of the year are:

  • To really get back to Primal living – I know how much better I feel when I do which is after all why I started this blog in the first place

  • Try to relax about selling my house – getting stressed and cross isn't going to sell it any faster and will make me grumpy to live with

  • Look at where I am most wasteful and really try to Reduce and Reuse as well as Recycle

  • Keep my home tidy and pleasant but not empty and soulless – add things that give me pleasure and make me feel at home and if potential buyers are put off by dog beds and cat dishes then this isn't the right house for them

  • Keep up with the blog – it really is a creative activity for me (and maybe I'll even start the book)

So what are your mid-year intentions? Are there things you want to change or adjust? Youdon't have to wait for New Year's Eve.

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I am a qualified Primal Health Coach - I am not a medical professional. I cannot diagnose, treat or prescribe.

Primal Health & Harmony provides support and education to effect lifestyle changes, it is not, nor should it be interpreted as, an alternative to professional medical advice.

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